Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Answer My Science Questions

Introduction to Answer my Science questions: 
answer my science questions

Test No. 1

I.  Choose the correct answer:

1. The force between a satellite and the earth which acts as a centripetal force keeping the satellite in orbit is ...............

(1) gravitational force

(2) molecular force

(3) cohesive force

(4) adhesive force

2.  Kepler’s first law of planetary motion is also called ..............

(1) law of periods

(2) law of areas

(3) law of orbits

(4) law of distances

3.  Rain drops assume spherical shape due to .............

(1) surface tension

(2) gravitational force

(3) centripetal force

(4) centrifugal force

4.  The unit of specific heat capacity is .........

(1) J kg-1 K-1

(2) kg-1 K-1

(3) JK-1

(4) J kg-1

5.  As compared to boiling evaporation is a ..............

(1) slow and calm process

(2) slow and noisy process

(3) rapid and calm process

(4) rapid and noisy process

6. Latent heat of ice has value ..................

(1) 80 J/kg

(2) 3.34 ´ 105 J/kg

(3) 22.57 ´ 105 J/kg (

4) 540 J/kg

7. When a liquid evaporates, its temperature ..................

(1) rises

(2) falls

(3) does not change

(4) may rise or fall depending upon the situation.

8. When water solidifies to ice ...............

(1) heat is absorbed

(2) heat is released

(3) temperature increases

(4) temperature decreases

9. Evaporation occurs at ..................

(1) the surface of the liquid

(2) the bottom of the liquid

(3) the middle of the liquid

(4) both at surface and bottom of a liquid

10. In a rainy day, the relative humidity is .....................

(1) 70%

(2) 0%

(3) 50%

(4) 100%

11. The boiling point of water inside the pressure cooker is .................

(1) 100o C

(2) 0o C

(3) 120o C

(4) -120o C

12. The volatile liquid used in refrigerator is

(1) freon

(2) water

(3) helium

(4) acetone

13.  Total amount of heat required to melt the solid..........

(1) H = ms q

(2) H = ms

(3) H = m L

(4) H = m q

Answer my science questions - Test No. 2

I.  Fill in the blanks:

1.  Automobiles are now streamlined in shape to .................. air resistance and improve fuel consumption.

2.   ........ makes use of the centrifugal force for regulating the speed of an engine or machine.

3. Forces between molecules of different substances are called .................. forces.

4. Surface tension always tends to .................. the surface area of a liquid.

5.  The specific heat capacity of water is .................

6.  When an impurity is added to ice, the melting point of ice ..................

7.  In the case of wax, the application of pressure .................. the melting point.

8.  Among the solids .................. have high values of coefficient of linear expansion.

9.  The pressure of steam inside the pressure cooker is about ..................

10.The process of changing a solid into gas directly is called ..................

If you want know more about this Click here What is Green Chemistry And Define Greenhouse Gases
Answer my Science Questions - Test No. 3

I Choose the correct answer:

1. A ray of light travelling in air falls obliquely on the surface of a calm pond. It will

(1) go into the water without deviating from its path

(2) deviate away from the normal

(3) deviate towards the normal

(4) turn back on its original path

2. Where should an object be placed so that a real and inverted image of the same size is obtained using a convex lens?

(1) between the lens and its focus

(2) at the focus

(3) at twice the focal length

(4) at infinity

3. A ray of light travels from water to air, if the angle of incidence is 40o, then the angle of refraction is

(1) 40o

(2) less than 40o but not zero.

(3) greater than 40o

(4) equal to zero

4. The critical angle of diamond is

(1) 24.4o

(2) 42.4o

(3) 34.4o

(4) 24.8o

5. The refractive index of glass depends on

(1) the angle of incidence

(2) the colour of the incident light

(3) the size of the glass slab

(4) intensity of the incident light

6. The colour which deviates the least during dispersion is

(1) green

(2) violet

(3) blue

(4) red

7. If an object absorbs all colours it appears
(1) black

(2) shiny

(3) multi coloured

(4) white

8. When magenta, yellow and cyan are added, the color obtained is

(1) green

(2) blue

(3) red

(4) white

9. The SI unit of power of a lens is
(1) metre

(2) dioptre

(3) watt

(4) calories

10. Which of the following are primary colors ?

(1) red, green and blue

(2) red, cyan and blue

(3) blue, cyan and magenta

(4) violet, red and green

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